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 A.I. IN H.R.

"AI won't replace humans, but humans using AI will."

- Fei-Fei Li, Computer Scientist, Stanford University 


Join Matt Symes for an exclusive interactive workshop as part of our ongoing series on using AI as a copilot in your business.

Learn about how AI can cut down on the mundane and enhance the outputs of your HR efforts

This 90-minute session will feature the latest insights, an interactive workshop on specific AI prompts, and an in-depth Q&A session.


Whether you are an HR manager or a small business owner increasingly responsible for your growing team, we invite you to join while limited spots remain.

How to Attend

Express your interest in this workshop by completing the sign-up form on this page. We'll be in touch with further details.

AI in the Workplace Webinar Graphic

I'm interested in an
AI in HR Workshop

Where do you stand on AI?

Thanks! We'll keep you informed as we schedule sessions.


Vous avez une question sur nos programmes de formation ou nos processus?


Remplissez le formulaire ou appelez-nous. Nous sommes là et heureux de discuter.


Téléphone: 506-872-3521

Nouveau-Brunswick : 

400, rue Saint-Georges,

Moncton, N.-B. E1C 1X4 

Nouvelle-Écosse : 

21, avenue Raddall,

Dartmouth, N.-É. B3B 1L4

© 2023 Symplicity Organizational Designs Inc. Site conçu par Image de marque Haylo + Marketing

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